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A 15-year-old girl was fatally stabbed while walking to school in London.


provoking fury and shock. The event, which happened on her way to school, raised questions about young people’s safety in the city. There is a renewed focus on combating violence and guaranteeing the safety of pupils commuting to and from school while authorities look into the circumstances behind the incident. The sad event has sparked conversations about juvenile violence, community safety, and the need for urban youth protection policies.

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The 15-year-old girl, Elianne Andam, was fatally stabbed in the neck while attempting to shield her friend from her former boyfriend. The event happened on Wednesday morning when the defendant, a 17-year-old known to the victim, tried to offer his ex-girlfriend flowers. Elianne reportedly took out a knife and fatally stabbed her in the neck after intervening to diffuse the situation. Elianne passed away from her wounds in spite of the witnesses’ best attempts to save her. Shortly after the stabbing, the 17-year-old suspect was taken into custody by the police while the investigation is ongoing.

In a moving statement, Elianne’s family expressed their sorrow at the needless death of their cherished daughter. They praised Elianne for having a large circle of devoted friends and for being intelligent, humorous, and kind. She was well-known for her wisdom, consideration, and devotion to Jesus. Elianne’s family asked for prayers and well wishes during this trying time for Elianne and their bereaved family.


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